My mom said she always knew I was going to be a teacher. She
often tells the story about walking into my bedroom that was turned into a
makeshift classroom, complete with my “students” – all of my stuffed animals
and my 8-month-old baby sister. She
jokes that she couldn’t really find my sister among the multitude of other “students.”
Since then, I’ve taught in a myriad of places and situations
– community college, drug and rehabilitation facility, inner city middle
school, private schools, and I was also a librarian for 4 years. So, I’ve taught from grades Pre-K (as
librarian) to college level students, and what a journey it’s been!
Lucky for me, the journey isn’t over, and I truly believe
that even with all of the issues and faults in the education system, my
passion, enthusiasm and dedication for education is higher than ever. While I don’t love every aspect of the job,
and sometimes question the sense of many things, I absolutely DO love my
students and my subject matter and teaching – and I look forward to sharing it
with you.
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